Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I have to confess I was completely against myspace for a long time. I figured if people can't be friends in real life they shouldn't be hiding behind an online community to feel secure. I am a big advocate for in person relationships. I strongly dislike people who use technology to say and do all the things they are too scared to do in person. We are losing the ability to communicate face to face. We can't apologize verbally to friends anymore, we wait to get home and write it to them. Now I realize that writing is a very useful tool that can be used to express ideas that we can't always form right away when we are in front of someone, but we need to continue to practice interpersonal development. I have never had a problem communicating with others and now i realize that myspace is just an easy way to stay even more connected with friends. I have made it a rule that I can only write to other people things that I wouldn't have a problem saying verbally to them.

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