Friday, December 08, 2006

Supreme Court Justice

I was once asked If I were given the choice to be a California state legislator, governor or a supreme court justice which would I choose. My answer was supreme court justice. My reasons for choosing to be a supreme court justice are that there are only nine in the whole country, their opinion is highly valued and they are in charge of deciding what laws will apply to the nation.
Every time the country does not know what to do about a controversial issue they take it up to the supreme court to decide what to do. There are only nine justices in the supreme court meaning nine people get to decide what is right according to the constitution which they can interpret however they want basically. There are checks and balances but they have the power to declare things unconstitutional. It is a very highly esteemed position. It is a very difficult job but a very prestigious job. Aside from the power aspect of being a Justice the evidence to back up my reasoning is the following.
In the Marbury v. Madison (1803) court case, the court gave itself the power to decide whether things were unconstitutional, in other words they awarded themselves the power of judicial review. This shows the tremendous weight they carry in deciding what can be done.

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