Friday, December 08, 2006


Tuesday morning was unlike any other I've had this semester. I woke up at 5 in the morning to go to a free concert at the improv. The radio station Live 105 was broadcasting from downtown and brought a couple popular bands who are promoting their new CDs and their tours. Along with the musical guests, two comedians got the crowd going that morning. The band Switchfoot covered an amazing song by the band Bad Religion. The other band, Panic At The Disco had a rough start with their interview session. It might have had something to do with the time of the day it was, but it was almost painful to watch the DJs try to get decent answers from these band members.
Thursday we had our last Campus Crusade for Christ meeting. Seems that it was only a few days ago I was writing about our first meeting! Time certainly flew by this semester. Our Campus Crusade events however, are not officially over. We are going to be Christmas caroling in the neighborhoods surrounding the university. We will be ending the night with delicious food and Christmas cheer. Beginning today, I have at least three Christmas parties to attend every weekend from now until Christmas. This time of the year can be overwhelming but I am really looking forward to wedndesday when I will worry about school no more.

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