Friday, December 08, 2006

Supreme Court Justice

I was once asked If I were given the choice to be a California state legislator, governor or a supreme court justice which would I choose. My answer was supreme court justice. My reasons for choosing to be a supreme court justice are that there are only nine in the whole country, their opinion is highly valued and they are in charge of deciding what laws will apply to the nation.
Every time the country does not know what to do about a controversial issue they take it up to the supreme court to decide what to do. There are only nine justices in the supreme court meaning nine people get to decide what is right according to the constitution which they can interpret however they want basically. There are checks and balances but they have the power to declare things unconstitutional. It is a very highly esteemed position. It is a very difficult job but a very prestigious job. Aside from the power aspect of being a Justice the evidence to back up my reasoning is the following.
In the Marbury v. Madison (1803) court case, the court gave itself the power to decide whether things were unconstitutional, in other words they awarded themselves the power of judicial review. This shows the tremendous weight they carry in deciding what can be done.


Campus Village has rooms on the first floor where people can hang out, watch movies, study, etc. The rooms are fairly soundproof with padding on the walls. A couple of friends transformed one of those rooms into a recording studio and we laid down some tracks. It was actually more like just one song. A lot of time goes into recording a song. We spent all night just working on recording the vocals and the instrumental parts and the editing part hasn't even begun! That will be a few more hours of labor. Precision is key as well as technicality and diligence. It was hard having friends in the room while trying to record because the mics are very sensitive and will pick up every sound, whether it be loud breathing or moving in your seat. It also didn't help that they were making each other laugh and laughing at the almost comically tense atmosphere of not being able to move or talk. We finally ended up asking them to leave so we could get some work done! Through the window of the room I could see study groups gathered in the lobby pulling all-nighters. They reminded me of what I should have been doing, and at 5 in the morning I finally decided to go home and work on the recording later, but who knows when we'll be able to transform studio B again.


Tuesday morning was unlike any other I've had this semester. I woke up at 5 in the morning to go to a free concert at the improv. The radio station Live 105 was broadcasting from downtown and brought a couple popular bands who are promoting their new CDs and their tours. Along with the musical guests, two comedians got the crowd going that morning. The band Switchfoot covered an amazing song by the band Bad Religion. The other band, Panic At The Disco had a rough start with their interview session. It might have had something to do with the time of the day it was, but it was almost painful to watch the DJs try to get decent answers from these band members.
Thursday we had our last Campus Crusade for Christ meeting. Seems that it was only a few days ago I was writing about our first meeting! Time certainly flew by this semester. Our Campus Crusade events however, are not officially over. We are going to be Christmas caroling in the neighborhoods surrounding the university. We will be ending the night with delicious food and Christmas cheer. Beginning today, I have at least three Christmas parties to attend every weekend from now until Christmas. This time of the year can be overwhelming but I am really looking forward to wedndesday when I will worry about school no more.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I just finished typing up my resume. It is honestly my first time ever writing one and I must say I don't like them. I feel that I am just inflating all the good things I do and have done. I didn't lie on the resume but I feel that I am bragging about my qualifications and skills, which is essentially what a resume is, but I just don't like the idea of having to tell someone how great I am. I would much rather people find out things about me when they get to know me. A resume just skips all the steps of small talk and a slow building of a relationship. This type of fast relationship building is to be expected of course, at the pace the world is moving. We don't have time for anything anymore, all the possible steps that can be sped up, are.


I have to confess I was completely against myspace for a long time. I figured if people can't be friends in real life they shouldn't be hiding behind an online community to feel secure. I am a big advocate for in person relationships. I strongly dislike people who use technology to say and do all the things they are too scared to do in person. We are losing the ability to communicate face to face. We can't apologize verbally to friends anymore, we wait to get home and write it to them. Now I realize that writing is a very useful tool that can be used to express ideas that we can't always form right away when we are in front of someone, but we need to continue to practice interpersonal development. I have never had a problem communicating with others and now i realize that myspace is just an easy way to stay even more connected with friends. I have made it a rule that I can only write to other people things that I wouldn't have a problem saying verbally to them.