Friday, December 08, 2006


Campus Village has rooms on the first floor where people can hang out, watch movies, study, etc. The rooms are fairly soundproof with padding on the walls. A couple of friends transformed one of those rooms into a recording studio and we laid down some tracks. It was actually more like just one song. A lot of time goes into recording a song. We spent all night just working on recording the vocals and the instrumental parts and the editing part hasn't even begun! That will be a few more hours of labor. Precision is key as well as technicality and diligence. It was hard having friends in the room while trying to record because the mics are very sensitive and will pick up every sound, whether it be loud breathing or moving in your seat. It also didn't help that they were making each other laugh and laughing at the almost comically tense atmosphere of not being able to move or talk. We finally ended up asking them to leave so we could get some work done! Through the window of the room I could see study groups gathered in the lobby pulling all-nighters. They reminded me of what I should have been doing, and at 5 in the morning I finally decided to go home and work on the recording later, but who knows when we'll be able to transform studio B again.

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